Sunday, December 29, 2019

Romantic Comedy in Twelfth Night - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1358 Downloads: 8 Date added: 2019/10/30 Category Literature Essay Level High school Topics: Twelfth Night Essay William Shakespeare Essay Did you like this example? Romance and comedy are both very important parts of what makes the play, Twelfth Night, entertaining and fun to watch. This story from William Shakespeare is classified as a Romantic Comedy play. Comedy should entertain a general audience; a romantic comedy is classified as a play that deals with love in a light yet humorous way. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Romantic Comedy in Twelfth Night" essay for you Create order It is usually a dramatic work that is light, and often set in a satirical tone (a literary work in which sarcasm is used to entertain). Twelfth Night is believed to have been written around 1601â€Å"1602 as twelfth nights entertainment for the close of the Christmas season. The play is centered on twins Viola and Sebastian, who are separated in a shipwreck. William Shakespeare was an English poet, playwright, and actor who was widely regarded as both the greatest writer in the English language. The audience at a comedy is likely to feel slightly superior, and distant from the comic figures. In the Twelfth Night, William Shakespeare uses different literary devices along with romance and comedy to present to his audience different types of humor through a specific character named Sir Toby Belch. Sir Toby Belch, who is a funny drunkard, is not the smartest person and he also causes trouble throughout the play. Sir Toby Belch is a character in Shakespeares, Twelfth Night. At the beginning of the play, Sir Toby is said the be the Lord of the Misrule, who was appointed to manage the Christmas festivities held at court during this time of celebration. Sir Toby Belch is fair lady Olivias uncle in this romantic comedy play. Sir Toby is funny yet embarrassing when he is drunk. Sir Toby Belch lives with his niece Olivia. Olivia is a beautiful Illyria lady, and she does not approve of his heavy drinking problem. Sir Toby partakes in this behavior along with his friend Sir Andrew Aguecheek. Sir Andrew is the type of character who thinks highly of himself, but he is not the smartest character. Some might even say he is dumb. Sir Toby takes advantage of Sir Andrew Aguecheek using constant flattery and making Sir Andrew believe that he can win Olivias hand in marriage. Olivia is sad throughout the play because she lost her brother. But because of her wealth and her beauty she is loved by several men, a ll of which want to marry her. Thought-out the play different men would try and get Olivia to marry them, and Orsino ends up proposing to Olivia. The fighting over Olivia can also contribute to the romantic comedy of the play. Sir Toby knows that Sir Andrew is a fool and a coward, but he continues to be his friend because they can be dumb together which makes the comedy in the play even better. Sir Toby states Never trust me, then. And by all means stir on the young to an answer. I think oxen and wainropes cannot hale them together. For Andrew, if he were opened and you find so much blood in his liver as will clog the foot of a flea, Ill eat the rest of the anatomy (Act 3, Scene 2, lines 53-57). This states that Sir Toby thinks that Sir Andrew is not the smartest person, and he uses his comedy to show how much he thinks this is true. This also shows how he uses his humor to connect with the audience and keep them interested as the play goes on. The humor of Sir Toby and Sir Andrew c ontinues through-out the play. I hate a drunken rogue (Act 5, Scene 1, lines 198). These are ironic words coming from Sir Toby Belch, who provides most of the humor in Twelfth Night and is best described as a drunk. We are first introduced to Sir Toby in Act 1, scene 3 when Maria is chiding him for disturbing Olivias household with his nightly drinking, late hours, and the poor company he keeps. Maria is Olivias gentlewoman. While Maria is trying to keep Sir Toby from being stubborn like he is Sir Toby states, Confine? Ill confine myself no finer than I am. These clothes are good enough to drink in, and so be these boots too- an they be not, let them hang themselves in their own straps! (Act 1, Scene 3, lines 9-12). In this quotation Sir Toby uses puns and a metaphor saying that the boots should hang themselves with their straps giving the word hang a double meaning. This is humorous as he is using many forms of phrasing that the audience in Shakespearean times would have found hilarious. This may not necessarily be funny in the current 21st century, but this is still funny today, just maybe not as funny as it was then. The audience has a lot to do with how funny the play was. Many people would not go to see a play like the Twelfth Night today just because it is not what people are interested in. The atmosphere also contributes to the play and how the audience reacts to the play. During the 17th century plays are in outdoor theaters called globe theaters. Sir Toby has many flaws that one might could say shine brightly throughout the play. He is also very unpredictable, which is shown when he marries Maria even though she is Olivias gentlewoman and is below Sir Tobys noble class. The noble classes during this period are very important. Noble classes are different classifications from rich, middle, and poor. Most of the time, people do not marry outside of their noble classes, but in the play Sir Toby marries Maria. It is also funny to the audience that Sir Toby marries a gentlewoman. A gentlewoman is a woman who is good to her family, smart, and has good manners. This is humorous to the audience because Sir Toby is the complete opposite in the fact that he has terrible manners and is not that smart. Sir Toby and Maria are married by the end of the play. Sir Toby marries Maria to make Malvolio jealous which makes Malvolio mad because he thought that Maria loved him. Sir Toby can be summed up by this line, Dost thou think, because thou art virtuous, there shall be no more cakes and ales (Act 2, Scene 3, lines 114-115). This line shows that Sir Toby plans to live his life the way he chooses to, and he basically is saying that no one can stop him or try to make him live any other way. This is just the type of person that Sir Toby is through the play. Throughout the entire play Sir Toby does not let people tell him what to do. This is mostly because he thinks that he is smart and as it has been stated before he is not that smart, he is mostly a drunk. Twelfth Night is a romantic comedy play wrote by William Shakespeare around 1601â€Å"1602 as entertainment for the close of the Christmas season. This wonderful play by Shakespeare is a romantic comedy which is a play that deals with love in a light yet humorous way. Shakespeare has written many different plays, but this one is more humorous than any of the others. There are several characters in this play that are humorous, but Sir Toby Belch sticks out the most. Sir Tobys personality is like a comedian by the way he keeps the audience laughing as the play goes on. He is also good at the creation of problems with his unique yet strange personality. Sir Toby is the most enjoyable character in the entire play. It might be argued that Sir Toby has a very irresponsible and nature, which may come across as an unattractive aspect of his character throughout the play. In the Twelfth Night, William Shakespeare uses different ways of humor to make up this romantic comedy play. Much of the humor in Twelfth Night comes from Sir Toby Belch, Sir Toby Belch is a funny drunk who mostly causes problems and keep the play humorous. Work Cited Shakespeare, William. Twelfth Night. The Norton Anthology of English Literature, edited by Stephen Greenblatt et al, ed. 9, vol. B, W.W. Norton Company, 2012, pp. 1189-1250.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Task 1 Professinal Roles and Values - 1112 Words

Melonie Miller Organizational Systems and Quality Leadership Task 1 A: Delivering quality care is the priority of the nursing profession as an institution and in order to facilitate this, data driven indicators are employed to measure how effective the care environment is. These nursing sensitive indicators include complications such as urinary tract infection, patient falls, surgical complications, length of hospital stay, restraint prevalence, incidences of failure to rescue, patient satisfaction, pressure ulcers and nursing satisfaction. In the case of Mr. J, the demented rabbi, who as a nurse supervisor I am responsible for, nursing sensitive indicators are crucial in monitoring the level of care and making adjustments so that the†¦show more content†¦Without understanding nurse sensitive indicators, nurses would have no way to identify and address serious problems like patient cooperation or risk of infection or injury. B: Nursing sensitive indicators provide a quantitative and empirical means by which nurses can evaluate the process of care for the patient and so adjust their practice accordingly. In both the case of the excessive use of restraints and making the patient dissatisfied by providing non-kosher food there is an indication that the patient is getting poor care. Without them, nurses would have no way to figure out how to improve the quality of care. By measuring nursing sensitive indicators hospital wide and collecting this information, quality patient care in hospitals can be advanced due to the administrators knowing which areas of practice nurses need to improve. All organizations, including hospitals have institutional cultures, these cultures can potentially have a positive or negative effect on desired outcomes. In the case of hospitals this would be the quality of patient care. If the institutional culture of nurses in the hospital promotes negligence in care, lack of respect for patient autonomy, or poor prioritization, the nursing sensitive indicators should reveal it as for example: negligent care would lead to higher rates of falls and complications acquired during the patient stay. An example of where a hospital using nursingShow MoreRelatedCampbell Soup Company1615 Words   |  7 Pagesê ¹â‚¬Ã­Ëœâ€žÃ¬ §â‚¬ Contents 1. Company overview 2. Case introduction 3. Plastigon developing process 4. Problem Soultion 1. Over view Campbell soup company /2006 Revenue: $7,343million Operation profit: $1151 million Headquater: Camden, New Jersey Emloyees: 23000 people Market share: about 80% Vision: â€Å"Together we will build the world’s most extraordinary food company by nourishing people’s lives everywhere, every day† Value: â€Å"We will passionately

Friday, December 13, 2019

The Park free essay sample

Eric de Winter Creative Writing Mr. Edmlnster Period 6 The park The crisp summer air filled the local park, the sun burning down as everyone wanted some fresh air. A young couple lounging on the fresh grass having a picnic, the Juicy aroma of sausages floated through the park. Across from the couple, parked precariously on an old patch of grass, was an ancient Ice-cream van. The old, decrepit van had been In the family for years, paint peeling, bodywork rusting, the Ice-cream van was fit for the dump. However, everyone in the local park was swarming around he Van, tired parents, bored teenagers, everyone needed a refreshment. The driver a sweaty, elderly man, looking worn and fed up, scanned the crowd, hoping for some refuge from the crowd of impatient customer. Beads of sweat dripping from his forehead, handing out melting Ice-creams as the suns fierce rays beat down on him. We will write a custom essay sample on The Park or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Close to the van was a young mother, struggling to control her two troublesome toddlers fighting with their younger sibling, sitting in a rather ornate looking stroller. Her oldest child, seemingly unaware, remained clicking away on her phone. Between he baby crying and her mother screaming, the began quickly attracting the attention of those passing by. The young mother was trying to explain to her children that she had no money for ice-cream. Tired and confused she attempted to calm down her noisy children, stopping to pick up her crying toddler who had Just fallen over, who tried to make a run for It towards the trees. A sweaty, runner, looked nervously around the park, his eyes longingly glancing towards the ice-cream Van, licking his lips, wishing he could gulp down an ice-cold can of Coke. Rather large in comparison to his personal trainer, a young, fit female. He was finding it hard to keep up, begging her to slow down. Tiredly trying to pull-up his sweat-drenched Under Armour shorts he came to a stop, collapsing right in the middle of the worn patch of grass where a group of boys were playing a rowdy game of football. Out of the usual gang playing football, one boy was already perched on a nearby bench being comforted by his concerned mother, carefully treating his rather badly scraped knee. Other players were taking a break, sitting on patches of grass licking rapidly melting ice-creams, while watching their teammates aimlessly fighting for the ball. One over-excited boy lobs the battered ball towards a passing couple, hand In hand the old couple picks up the pace, heading away from the brutal match. The old couple carries on along the path, leaning on their walking sticks for support. The old ladys dress softly flaps in the wind, exposing her swollen, pain feet covered by her sandals. Their aged faces crinkling into smiles as they watch the sunset. Their eyes wide through their magnifying-glass shaped spectacles. The local park is gradually cloaked in darkness, the park slowly clears, until all you can hear Is the gentle laughter ringing from midnight strollers. The Park By Eric-de Winter Mr. Edminster precariously on an old patch of grass, was an ancient ice-cream van. The old, decrepit van had been in the family for years, paint peeling, bodywork rusting, the ice-cream forehead, handing out melting ice-creams as the suns fierce rays beat down on him. over, who tried to make a run for it towards the trees. rapidly melting ice-creams, while watching their teammates aimlessly fghting for the ball. One over-excited boy lobs the battered ball towards a passing couple, hand in can hear is the gentle laughter ringing from midnight strollers.