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A Raisin in the Sun American Dream Essay - 707 Words

Crystal Rose Schwab Ms. Liz English Honors, Period 4 16 November 2011 Your Version of Success In the play A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry you go back in time to when segregation was still aloud. In this play you meet a cast of people with dreams of a better life. The American Dream, to be specific. This dream is portrayed differently for each character, all of which impact the play. Two of these character `s are Walter Lee Younger and Lena Younger. In Raisin in the Sun Mama and Walter’s American dreams conflict and impact the family through materialism and desire to be the ideal American family in society. Mama and Walter both desire to provide for their family. They both look at money as success. When the $10,000†¦show more content†¦It symbolizes her family in a way. When the family is down, the plant is down. Mama is constantly in protection of the plant, in hopes of holding on to her dream. Walter in comparison is always looking to be somebody and make it in life. Walter sees wealth as the only solution to this. He longs for financial support. He becomes corrupted by society -to find his identity through money. Walter tells his mother, I want so many things(60). This shows his greediness. All in all Mama and Walters dreams both involve money. Mama shows us her longing for the acceptance of society when she immediately buys a house in a white neighborhood, to provide for her family. Walter shows us his desperation to be a valuable human being when he steals money in hopes of starting his liquor business. Walter wants to be respected and live a happy lifestyle for this family. He longs to be the head of the household. Walter see’s himself with a liquor store as having power. It isn’t till the end until he rethinks the values of himself and his family’s future about how there is more to living than just having material riches. Mama only yearns for her family to be respected and live up to what society perceives. No matter what you perceive The American Dream to be, it is possible to attain it and be successful. The American Dream is whatever your dream of success perceives to be. Hansberry shows how hard it was for colored people to find theirShow MoreRelatedAmerican Dream in a Raisin in the Sun4319 Words   |  18 PagesCHAPTER III: The Impact of Identity on Dreams – 1. Identity in the Sight of Other People In actual fact, people have a certain view or conception about what somebody is. This view is quite different from what the individual himself has. But then the harm in all this is that this state of affairs has a great impact on what an individual is supposed to become in life especially when he doesn’t have a great sense of objectivity or when he is not determined to achieve his life goal regardlessRead MoreThemes Of The American Dream In A Raisin In The Sun1123 Words   |  5 PagesA Raisin in the sun shows the hardship many need to face in order to attain this notion of the American Dream. The book did more than then just show what everyone faced, she shows the struggles that many African American families had to face when trying to achieve the notion of the American Dream. She does this by showing the environment that many African American lived in when there was bombing in the neighborhood or when white people would force African American who finally bought a home, out. Read MoreA Raisin In The Sun American Dream Essay1669 Words   |  7 Pagesfree† and home of the â€Å"American Dream.† According to James Truslow Adams in Epic of America, the American Dream is defined as â€Å"that dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement.† It is based on the foundations of the Declaration of Independence: the rights to Liberty, Life, and the Pursuit of Happiness (Amadeo, What is the American Dream?). People have the right to pursue their dreams and acquire a betterRead MoreThemes Of The American Dream In A Raisin In The Sun709 Words   |  3 Pages‘A Raisin in the Sun’ is a story that focuses on an African American family in the late 1940’s that’s struggles through poverty and racism to find the American Dream. A life that should be better, fuller and richer for everyone with countless opportunities to each indiv idual’s ability and achievement. A vision that appears to be too far to fully grasp, the Younger family struggles through life with the idea of the American Dream but come to terms that it means something a little bit different toRead MoreExamples Of The American Dream In A Raisin In The Sun1636 Words   |  7 PagesThe American Dream is a term that is often misunderstood. Some people think that it is about having the kind of money that creates security. As a matter of fact, it is about things much more straightforward and significant. 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